Wednesday 2 January 2008


  • George Washington was NOT the First President of the United States. In fact, he is the 9th. While America was established July 4, 1776, Washington became president 13 years later. Before him, there were 8 men elected "president of the United States in Congress Assembled." Source
  • Chameleons do NOT change color to match their environment. Instead, they change color depending on their mood. They can also change color from changes in light or temperature. The myth of changing to match their background was started in 240BC and has persisted. Source
  • Despite the common belief, you can NOT see the Great Wall of China from the moon. Nothing man-made on the earth can be seen from the moon. Jay Apt has orbited the earth 562 times and says: "The Great Wall is almost invisible from only 180 miles up!" The moon is 238,855 miles away. Source
  • The feminists who protested in the 1968 Miss America Pageant did NOT burn their bras. They dumped them into a symbolic garbage can, but reporter Lindsay Van Gelder wrote an article suggesting the idea of bra-burning and linking it to burning draft cards. The headline writer called the feminists bra-burners, and the myth began. Robin Morgan, who organized the protest says: "We were radicals, but we were very elegant. . . Burning rubber smells dreadful!" Source
  • There are NOT 50 states in the US. There are only 46. Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Kentucky are all officially commonwealths. Source

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