Monday 4 February 2008


Douglas Hoffman, aged 60, was sentenced 5 years in prison for killing more than 500 trees in one year. When he and his wife first moved into their house, they had a nice view of the LasVegas strip. But as the trees grew, the view was lost. The homeowners committee, with a list of rules which allegedly take an hour to explain, declined Hoffman's request to swap the trees for shrubs. Hoffman took things into his own hands.
In one year, Hoffman killed more than 500 trees. He lopped the tops off some and sliced some so that they would slowly die. He originally faced 35 years in prison, due in part to the threatening letters from the "USA Organization Militia LLC" he sent to divert suspicion. The letters threatened such things as "razing and burning homes, drive-by shootings, setting off improvised explosive devices and unleashing a weapons cache." Handcuffed to his wheelchair in court, Hoffman said, ""I am not a bad person. I am a good person." His wife said, "Plant life is precious to him. . . It's not a human life, but it's a life. When a bush would die, he wouldn't be crying-upset, but he'd be upset."
Source. Source.

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