Thursday 21 February 2008

BBC bits

Thanks to BBC for all of these little tidbits:
  • Since its release in 1969, it has been said that the children's book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar has sold one copy every minute. Source
  • According to the biography Room Full of Mirrors, Jimi Hendrix pretended to be gay so that he would be discharged from the army. Source
  • According to a 2005 British survey, 1 in 6 children think that broccoli is a "baby tree." Source
  • At Eton, Georgic is a punishment involving copying hundreds of lines of Latin poetry. Source
  • To preserve flavor, rhubarb is best harvested in dim light. Candlelight is good. Source
  • In 2007, women in India protested over being asked their "detailed menstrual history" when applying to become a civil servant. Source
  • Names considered for the Compact Disck (CD) included "Mini Rack, MiniDisc, and Compact Rack." Source

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